Sunday, August 26, 2012

Try, try, try again.

So I have decided to submit Mine, All Mine to an agent and see where it goes. I would love to be a self published author and rock it all on my own but the truth of the matter is I have no idea how to sell myself. Writing romance is still something I hold very close to me. Few people inside my family have actually read my writing let alone know that I write/have written a complete book. It is what it is, I accepted a long time ago that I don't have a good support system around me. I am just not good at being my own cheerleader so I will attempt to solicit an agent again. I've done it before with previous works in progress but never with the finished Mine, All Mine. Ive gotten good feed back from this agent before and I am hoping that with a finished manuscript that has gotten good reviews she will take me on and be my cheerleader. The fact is I can't sell a candy bar to save my life so I don't even know how to begin to sell my book or even get myself out there. Wish me luck!